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Old 01-23-2012, 12:08 PM   #71
Join Date: Apr 2008
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Default Re: The Local Church Lexicon — Common Phrases

Originally Posted by OBW View Post
"God's economy," and a handful of other overlays, is used over and over to bring thoughts with no context into the reading of verses such that what actually is in the context is ignored, and in some cases, demeaned as some kind of poor thing. The book of James is just the most egregious example.

But there does not really seem to be any desire to discuss the doctrinal errors of Lee and his followers. We like to rail on the bad things the BBs do. And point out how they are not faithful to Lee's ministry (as if that is a good benchmark). And quibble over who is following that ministry best. In other words, who does the best job of following a system of errors.
Why the backlash on the book of James, I don't know. There's much in the book of James I've gained from. Maybe because the text in James convicts your spirit?

When you get into the doctrinal errors versus bad things BB's do, at least my my persepctive the harmful practices are obvious. When you get into doctrinal errors, the key is learning where Witness Lee's ministry was doctrinally correct and where it wasn't. As I've stated before in the forum, until the late 80's I couldn't find fault in any of Witness Lee's ministry. Perhaps doctrinally what needs to be identified is whether scriptural support mentioned in Witness Lee's ministry was taken out of context? Going forward whatever ministry you read, this is the approach that should be taken; examination.
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