[QUOTE=YP0534;1763]....my mother, being very religious, intended from my birth
that I should be a priest. Excelling in school, religious as a child, .........
In a short time, however, my companions who had been meeting with me in the same way from the same time just stopped meeting with the Local Church. I never understood why, but, not being like Lot’s wife,
I wouldn’t look back and I would sing “Pressing On” with a tear in my eye and loneliness in my heart for the loss of my closest friends.
also got in trouble by exercising to speak my portion of enjoyment in the meetings, having used the Life Studies as the groceries and standing on Witness Lee’s shoulders to see further, just as he himself had instructed. I was only supposed to parrot what I had read. Needless to say, eventually,
I got the boot for following the teachings of Witness Lee too closely. And the ones who ejected me are still well-revered brothers in the Local Church.
I wandered quite aimlessly for quite a long time but never really left the Lord entirely. I could never deny what I had seen of real revelation and contact with the Lord Spirit but I felt I just could not go on properly without a group. The best group kicked me out. And I was clear about denominations, so I couldn’t go there. I was trapped. I couldn’t see how to go forward and I knew I couldn’t go backward. Eventually, I got clear that the Lord had pushed me out the front door of the Local Church but I never got the word from Him about what was supposed to happen next. I think very many of us can appreciate this awkward position. And the answer is, of course, don’t do anything. Meet with every believer you can in any context that you can and let the Lord worry about the rest of it. Don’t join anything or start anything. You are already in everything that you need to be in. /QUOTE]
YP0534, Your testimony moved me deeply. I was in the LC for about 4/5 yrs. 4 yrs solid..5th yr..testing the waters outside the LC environment but still holding the LC deep in my heart. Those years were '75-79.
As a little Catholic girl, I wanted to be a PRIEST when I grew up.

I pretended to do the mass. I never wanted to be a nun.

Awww. I got my heart's desire. I am now a PRIEST unto the Most High God.

I too excelled in Religion but was a mediocre student in everything else..with the exception of Spelling. I was a great speller. I loved that subject.
When I got saved through the brethren in the LC, I lost all my best friends. But they were not saved. Still it was heartwrenching for me 'cause they were my friends. Like you, I remained steadfast in the Lord and of course for a few years, in the LC. 30 plus years later, I've been reunited with my best friends and 2 of them are truly saved now! And one of them & I are closer than ever in spirit and in soul!!! I am sooo very BLESSED...and soo very thankful God reunited us.
If you haven't been reunited with your friends, I pray God will do this for you and quickly too!
I am sorry you went through what you went through. Surely there is something OFF in the LC...a weird, religious, warped spirit infilitrated the LC in the late 70's, manifesting itself during the 80's if you ask me. What you wrote about following the teachings of WL only to get ejected confirms what I suspect.
Most of us, if not all of us, can relate to wandering aimlessly after our time in the LC. I will speak for myself. I felt I had gotten the best in my years in the LC. The Lord led me in and the LORD Himself led me out. Like you I didn't know what to do or where to go. On top of everything else, I had unresolved, unrepentant sin hovering over me which I couldn't shake.
Took many, many years..something like THIRTY years for me to FINALLY GET IT!! Thank GOD for His Patience and MERCY on me!!! WHEW!!! Thank YOU Lord Jesus.
Well. 4 1/2 yrs ago..was when I finally got it and gave myself unreservedly, unconditionaly, without any hesitation back to the LORD..free AT LAST...FREE AT LAST!!!
However, I felt I needed to get into 'a church' of strong believers to help me get past my LC concepts. The Lord led me to a Word of Faith church. I was a 'member' there for 2 1/2 yrs. I 'joined' 'cause I had never 'joined' a church..and wanted to experience it.
I attended 'membership classes', 'Discovery classes', and 'leadership' classes. It was in these classes that I met and became friends in Christ with many of these people.
Most of us who met in the those classes have left that church now. I am still friends with some of them. We remain strong in the LORD..in the Word of God...but no longer attend 'church' on a regular basis. We talk or e-mail regularly..hang out with each other but also have our different circle of friends too. We are not 'cliqued'.
God is GREAT and God is an AWESOME GOD. He REIGNS! He is the KING of kings. He is the KING and we are the kings.
Thanks for sharing your testimony! Be exceedingly Blessed today..this day..the day the LORD has MADE!