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Old 01-20-2012, 10:19 AM   #44
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Default Re: The LRC Lexicon — Common Phrases

Originally Posted by Igzy View Post
I agree except that Lee left the impression that the dispensing of life and grace was all there was to it. He tried to make the microscope view the scenic lookout view. It isn't.

Again, Lee's view was that most of Christianity had missed the dispensing of life and grace and so felt to emphasize it. He had a point. But instead of emphasizing it to Christianity he emphasized to his little group to the point that the over-emphasized it. After a few basic lessons his followers didn't need to hear about dispensing week in and week out. But eventually that's about all he knew how to talk about.
I don't see any "microscopic view" by any Christian teacher as being a serious issue. Lots of ministries are, like the homeless ministry I just mentioned.

Your second point about condemning all of Christianity for missing out is indeed serious. This just produces Laodicea -- thinking that you alone are "in the know" about God's plan, and all others have totally missed out. This is a root of evils, perhaps the single-most destructive ingredient in the entire LRC. I think all other failures emanated from this prideful thought.
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