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Old 01-20-2012, 09:12 AM   #39
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Default Re: The LRC Lexicon — Common Phrases

Originally Posted by OBW View Post
Lee missed (being generous) or twisted (not being generous) the grammar to say something Paul did not say. Paul did not say stop them from teaching things that lead to questionings and instead teach God's economy, he said stop them from teaching things that result in questionings and instead teach things that lead to God's economy.

God's economy is the result of the teaching. It is not the teaching. Teachings are taken in an applied and the result is something that he calls God's economy. Paul never said that there was a thing called God's economy that was to be taught. That is the raw fact of the verses. To say otherwise is misleading. Lee distills God's economy down to something so minuscule and simple, then says that it is the content of the proper teachings.

So, according to Lee's logic, everything about the Christian life is just dispensing. Just teach dispensing and you are doing all that is required. Don't teach any thing else. Just teach dispensing.

OBW, this is mostly splitting hairs and picking nits.

Kind of like saying we should teach things that result in healthy marriages, but not teach about healthy marriages. Kind of hard to have one without the other.

Lee taught that God's economy was His plan, His administration, His household law for His family. Lee taught that God accomplishes this plan through His sovereign arrangement and His dispensing of Himself as life and grace.

This is hardly miniscule and it is hardly baloney.
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