Originally Posted by Igzy
Well, even Lee didn't just teach dispensing. But he majored in it, especially in his later years. So his take on 1 Tim 1:4 was to justify his majoring in it and to criticize teachers that didn't, which conveniently allowed him to dismiss just about every teacher.
However, it's important to note that the Bible does not prohibit teaching God's economy. Like I said, if God's economy includes everything he does and how he does it, then teaching any biblical doctrine is teaching God's economy.
Lee's error was to claim that God's economy was just "dispensing." There is no biblical justification for that. None whatsoever. That was entirely a leap of his own creation.
At the end of the day, the emphasis on "God's economy" is all about promoting a unique set of teachings, decorated with unique terminology, that gives the group a feeling of being...unique.
Why the need to translate the Greek word
oikonomia differently from all the other translations? As
Igzy and
OBW have already pointed out, could it just be so that Lee could invent an essentially new word and make it say what he wanted it to say? And then measure other Christian groups by their lack of his own propietary teachings/terminology?
Nah, couldn't be.