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Old 01-18-2012, 11:53 AM   #13
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Default Re: The LRC Lexicon — Common Phrases

Originally Posted by Igzy View Post
The LRC didn't really disdain works, they just disdained the works traditional Christianity emphasized and focused on different works. Traditional mainstream Christianity emphasizes outreach/mission related works. The LRC emphasizes church-building/movement-building works.

But make no mistake. The LRC believes in works. Any group which tells people to avoid missing meetings and to go to all the conferences and trainings is concerned about works.
You have a good point here.

We have to ask which and what kinds of works did the LRC promote? The first and foremost was the works promoted by LSM. LSM also tended to only endorse those works which they could personally supervise. In this regard they were as much about the control of the works, as the works themselves. WL was all about controlling the works of others. He would belittle anyone's works if they appeared at conflict with his own, regardless of whether the Lord had initiated them or was blessing them.
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