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Old 01-18-2012, 10:08 AM   #12
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Default The Recovery

This has been discussed before as well. But it is always a good topic.

Recovery implies something is lost or damaged. It suggests that something is wrong and needs recovering. And based on the rhetoric, everything that pretends to be Christian but is not in line with Lee’s thinking on things, and more importantly, under his ministry, needs recovering. And the only place to get that recovery is in . . . well . . . The Recovery.

Now recovery is an important thing. AA is a recovery program for alcoholics. NA is for the drug addicts. OA for the overeaters. And so on. And there are now groups that refocus the “higher power” back to Christ. One such group is “Recovery at IBC.”

But somehow, despite a lot of rhetoric to the contrary, I’m not sure that anything important in the Christian life has been lost such that it needs recovery. Some think that all groups ought to be more like them. And if they are not then there is something wrong or missing in their worship, belief, practice, etc. And one group is especially like that. They think that so much is missing from those other groups. So much that a search party was needed, led by Nee, then Lee, and now the BBs, to find and recover all that missing stuff.

But have they really provided much that is not already there in Christianity? Outside of claiming some exclusive stuff like “ground,” what have they provided that is not just the same song under a different label?
I think . . . . I think I am . . . . therefore I am, I think — Edge
OR . . . . You may be right, I may be crazy — Joel
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