Originally Posted by Igzy
"The simplicity that is in Christ" is the literal biblical phrase used in 2 Cor 11:3. It's not an LRC phrase. It implies first of all that there is something simple about following Christ which is crucial or Paul would not have worried that the believers could be led away from it.
Another catch phrase that commonly was used to defraud the saints from the
simplicity that is in Christ is "being one with the body." This has so complicated many a brother and sister. Instead of the simplicity of being attuned to what the Lord was doing within, many had the complexities of being "one with the body, one with the church, and one with the brothers." The demands to conform for the sake of oneness stole the joys of our simplicity in Christ.
It seems that diversity became a huge threat to the program. We often heard challenges like, "
anybody can claim to be one with the Lord, but he real test is being one with the body." So often the tests of real faith in Christ were not in the unseen, but in the seen.