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Old 01-16-2012, 10:04 PM   #15
Join Date: Jul 2011
Posts: 95
Default Re: LRC interactions

Originally Posted by Terry View Post
This is what I've noticed to be true. Whether you meet in the local churches, denominations, or non-denominations, that is children tend to meet with the churches or fellowship of churches how they were raised. As these children have become adults and begun families of their own, they raise their children in the same churches. I think for many to consider meeting anywhere else will take them out of their comfort zone.
To an extent, it's like brand loyalty. You grow up with it as a kid and never learn to use anything else. I might be in the minority in how I think just because of my personal experiences and opinions, but it seems like people tend to stick close to "home" as it were. I think in the case of something like the LRC though, their comfort zone seems to be far more hostile than everyone else's. At the same time though, it seems like the LRC and the rest of Christianity don't really attempt to get along either. LRC calls everyone "Babylon" and "Babylon" calls them a cult. I think the difference between the LRC is that they refuse to branch out to anything not in the LRC. From my experience at least, everyone in "divisive denominational churches" would be fine getting together now and then and doing things together. My campus church contains people from all of those "divisive denominations" and Evangelical churches and even a few Catholics as well. Hard to define that as divisive, wouldn't you think?
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