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Old 01-16-2012, 12:45 PM   #10
Join Date: Jul 2011
Posts: 95
Default Re: LRC interactions

From my limited LRC exposure, it seems as though everything you guys are saying about them having a feeling of superiority rings true, even if they don't see it in themselves. The few people I know in the LRC believe their meetings and Bible studies to have more "depth" in them (whatever that means) than other groups'. And of course, they are always reluctant to attend anything put on by another church group. I used the example many months ago of an all campus worship event on my college campus. I was surprised to see a few LRC members there (though I don't think they were the "die-hards" or whatever you wish to call them) and had to drag one along with me almost. It would seem as though the LRC very much preaches that they are the true movement on earth and that everyone else is "lost."

That being said...what do we do about it? Logic says we have to do our best to try to get them out of that mindset, but obviously very much easier said than done. Is there any reasonable means of action that can help them see what's going on?

And not to say that "Babylon" doesn't have its problems either, but at the very least, most groups are open to doing things with other groups. My church and intervarsity are always interacting with each other and hanging out and what not. CRU (or campus crusade I believe it used to be called) joins in sometimes as well. I think in terms of Christianity as a whole, it's very easy to fall into a bubble where you pretty much only interact with people in your church. Not that there's always a feeling of animosity towards other groups, but rather more of a comfort zone thing...
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