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Old 01-13-2012, 08:58 PM   #16
Join Date: Jul 2011
Posts: 95
Default Re: Christ Versus Religion 50 Years Later!

Originally Posted by Abounding View Post
This video is an exsample of satan trying to turn people away from God. They will think that they just won't meet with other believers because it is all hypocrisy. This is what divides the body.
I think that's a little over the top. I agree that some of the wording turns people off, but I'm pretty sure his aim to get the name of Christ out there and to bring people TO him, not turn them away. You're not going to please everyone, but in a world where mentioning "religion" in general, not to mention Christianity (which seems to receive more hate than any other religion), is frowned upon and subject to a lot of scrutiny, having a video such as this, which is trending all over the place, which proclaims the love of Christ in an atmosphere where any and all can see, that's pretty awesome. It may be its popularity that is the reason for all of this intense studying of the lyrics and whatnot, but sometimes I think people are just straight up overanalyzing it. But I guess I could be insane...
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