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Old 01-13-2012, 02:24 PM   #13
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Default Re: Christ Versus Religion 50 Years Later!

Originally Posted by Igzy View Post
by this confusion." Let's be honest, LCers have been damaged by a lot of things. So take your pick. But the problem often isn't the essential information being given, the problem is LCers are never allowed to process the information they are given and to put it into perspective. So the result is they end up getting damaged because they don't know the basic skills of gaining understanding on their own. They just let their teachers tell them what to think and, whether it makes sense or not to them, they run with it, often trampling anyone who has the misfortune to be in their way, including each other.
I'm not buying this. It diverts us from the topic at hand, and sends us down a road that doesn't match the facts. Many LC'ers are the brightest folks I have ever met, full of knowledge and insight into human life. I believe that most did have "the basic skills of gaining understanding on their own," but excessively trusted their leaders for other reasons. But I'll leave this to another thread.

I agree with your point about the dangers of "simply being deceived by a false substitute of genuine service of God." Nicodemus was one such example of this. He was deceived by a false "religion" of service to God. The Lord did not rebuke him, however, neither did the Lord treat him harshly. Instead, the Lord educated Him, and "made him wise unto salvation." The Lord showed him a better way, the way of faith which brought the new birth.

Our topic here is centered on the word "versus." What is Christ "versus?" Is He versus religion? I'm not so sure anymore. Is He versus a false substitute? Perhaps, because they cheat His people. Is He versus hypocrisy? Definitely, His word tells us that repeatedly.

Maybe I'm seeing things in black and white.

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