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Old 01-13-2012, 10:30 AM   #6
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Default Re: Christ Versus Religion 50 Years Later!

Originally Posted by OBW View Post
My wife played that a couple of days ago on her computer. There is a fair bit of truth in it, and yet it leaves a bad taste in my mouth because, like Lee, it simply distills everything down according to the following formula:
Religion = (everything bad that has been found within religion or claimed to be done in the name of religion)
But Christianity is religion. Not just a religion.

So the fight is really against hypocrisy. Against veiling evil and unrighteousness with the cloak of religion. Against wielding the book of the God of love as if it is a battle axe.

Christ was not simply versus religion. He was versus religion that had lost its roots; lost its meaning; lost its reason for existing. He was versus people who used religion as a way to gain control over people.
I agree with OBW's observations. It's too easy to use that video and condemn all others. Sound familiar?
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