01-12-2012, 09:49 AM
Οὕτως γὰρ ἠγάπησεν ὁ θεὸς τὸν κόσμον For God So Loved The World
Join Date: Apr 2008
Posts: 3,824
Re: Have the BBs been faithful to the entire ministry of WL?
Originally Posted by 77150
How does this weaken the claim that the basis for the excommunication was lies and deceit?
The basis for excommunication was the same exact basis that Witness Lee used against John Ingalls and John So - it was all based on lies and deceit. Since many of the blended brothers attended and participated in that kangaroo court "Fermentation of the Present Rebellion", they simply used Lee's previous actions against those brothers as justification to "quarantine" Titus Chu. (speaking of Chu, boy did that whole quarantine deal boomerang on him!)
How can you say I am holding them up to a "higher standard than WL"? I haven't discussed WL at all. What standard have I held WL up to?
Of course we are discussing Witness Lee...I assume that is what the initials "WL" stand for in the title of the thread! The blended brothers, just as Lee, are a very pragmatic group of fellows. They know what Lee taught (probably better than you or I), but they also were close observers of of Witness Lee's actions. The big hole in your argument is that the blended brother are indeed “seeking to be faithful to the entire ministry of Witness Lee”…the entire ministry…what he taught AND what he did. I’m afraid you are trying to divorce Lee’s word’s from his actions – don’t know why you would want to do that…the blended brothers certainly are not! So the “standard” that the blended brothers hold themselves to is a moving target. Why? Because that is the very same moving target standard that Witness Lee held himself to. At times you will find the blended brothers doing what Lee said (when it’s convenient) and at other times you will find them ignoring what Lee taught and just doing what Lee did (when it’s convenient)
Therefore the value in discussing his sins would be mainly for historians, theologians and the judgement seat of Christ.
Depends upon which sins. If it’s those sins which involve abuse and taking advantage of his followers, then they are fair game. Speaking of the blended brothers, if we let them define the legacy of Witness Lee it would be a great disservice to current and former LC members, and to all concerned.
"No one discards the garb of winter until the summer has begun". So in my mind the more you shoot holes in WL's ministry the tighter the LRC will cling to it. So if your goal is to cause them to cling more tightly to it, that's great. But that is not my goal.
Nobody has to shoot any holes in WL’s ministry….it’s pretty much Swiss cheese as it stands already. My goal would be to open the eyes of people so they can see all the holes for themselves, and then they can at least make an informed decision about following this man and the religion he invented.
In regards to your stated goal
“This thread is not about the sins or the lies. It is about "dealing with sins"
I have already told you that I don’t think this is an appropriate subject for a thread. In any event you have plowed along anyway, and round and round we go, only agreeing on something that we already knew…that the blended brothers are hypocrites who don’t even follow their own religious dogma. When others have pointed out that they are simply going about their business just as their mentor did, you don’t want to deal with this fact and try to change the subject.
I asked myself if God overthrows the house of the wicked then why hasn't he?
So you think calling the blended brothers “the house of the wicked” is going to warm them up to you? Seriously, I don’t believe you are going about this with the heart and attitude of a Christian. We are not in the harsh age of the Old Testament. We are in the age of grace. We have the writings of the original apostles, who have given us instruction and direction on how we are to deal with our wayward brothers in Christ. I suggest you turn to the pages of the New Testament to learn how to pray to God about dealing with other Christians, and forget about this “overthrowing the house of the wicked” stuff.
αὐτῷ ἡ δόξα καὶ τὸ κράτος εἰς τοὺς αἰῶνας τῶν αἰώνων ἀμήν - 1 Peter 5:11