Originally Posted by Igzy
The BBs considered Lee faithful to the ministry of Nee. But that doesn't mean that they believe Lee did not make enhancements to Nee's ministry. Just that (they would claim) he didn't change its basic premise. This, no doubt, is the way they look at their own handling of Lee's ministry. They consider themselves faithful to it, yet they've already changed some of its emphases to suit their purpose.
In other words, like Lee did with Nee, they get to have their cake and eat it too. They claim to be Lee's faithful legacy, yet it's clear they've already enhanced his ministry.
Currently the claim is based on quotes on how to receive the brothers. I think the quote is good, and it does highlight the hypocrisy. However, I also agree that it is not perfect and that there is wiggle room.
However, I don't think there is any wiggle room in "the dealing with sins". There is no wiggle room to say that what PL did was a sin. There is therefore no wiggle room to justify the letter signed by the elders in Anaheim as an apology to PL. There is no stated "enhancement" to WL's ministry or WN's ministry to justify PL's actions.