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Old 01-12-2012, 04:59 AM   #85
Join Date: Dec 2011
Posts: 115
Default Re: Have the BBs been faithful to the entire ministry of WL?

Originally Posted by UntoHim View Post
77150, let's go back to your original post: Your main claim here seems to be that the blended brothers claim to be following the ministry of Witness Lee (as noted above), but they are not following the ministry of Witness Lee.
Coupled with the fact that they use this claim as a critical basis to sow discord, agreed.

The glaring weakness in your claim is that Witness Lee himself did not deal with the unrighteous, illegal matter of Daystar. This is well documented on this and other forums on the Internet.
Furthermore, Witness Lee himself did not deal with the indecent matters of his son, Phillip. This is also well documented on this and other forums on the Internet.
How does this weaken the claim that the basis for the excommunication was lies and deceit? If I am claiming that the roof to a building is riddled with termites, would that claim be weakened if the basement also was riddled with termites? I don't understand the problem here.

So, how can you hold Witness Lee's followers up to a higher standard than you are holding up Witness Lee to? Sorry to make this rather inconvenient for you, but you should have been using those prayers to overthrow the house of the wicked while the master of the house was still around....just sayin.
How can you say I am holding them up to a "higher standard than WL"? I haven't discussed WL at all. What standard have I held WL up to? As you have already pointed out his failings are well documented on this site it is not necessary to rehash that. However, digging into WL's failings, in my mind, would have little impact on the LRC. WL is dead, and for the most part, WL's sins are not accountable to the vast majority of those currently in the LRC. Therefore the value in discussing his sins would be mainly for hisorians, theologians and the judgement seat of Christ.

"No one discards the garb of winter until the summer has begun". So in my mind the more you shoot holes in WL's ministry the tighter the LRC will cling to it. So if your goal is to cause them to cling more tightly to it, that's great. But that is not my goal.
PS 150 Let every thing that hath breath praise the LORD. Praise ye the LORD.
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