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Old 01-11-2012, 07:56 PM   #24
Join Date: Jul 2011
Posts: 95
Default Re: Can "cult" members still be saved?

Originally Posted by John View Post
UntoHim reminded those of us who were in the earlier days of the Local Church of Witness Lee how we encouraged people to proclaim, “Oh Lord Jesus,” in order to get saved..
Excellent post John. Perhaps this issue of salvation by "calling on the name of the Lord" business is really the question I should have been asking. I am reminded of what Nell said about it being dependent upon each person. So very true. There are probably many who declare themselves as saved only because they did this calling business, but there are probably just as many who did the same, but then eventually came to accept Christ as they spent time in the LRC. There's definitely not a way to generalize this because that would just be...silly. How many people in standard Evangelical or whatever else churches are just nominal Christians? It can go both ways.

All this being said, I think my questions have ultimately been answered. False or "bad" doctrine does not overrule true belief in Christ as one's savior, but of course, it must still be addressed.

Thanks everyone for you input on this matter.
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