Originally Posted by OBW
It seems to be a moving target. And while you may consider your reasons and goals different from what I have stated, ...
I have said repeatedly and consistently that my motive is to put together a basis for a prayer to the Lord. Why can't you hear?
Why do you keep asking a question and then ignore my answer to provide your own only to say that it won't work? That is known as a "straw man".
"Happy are they who suspend their desires until they know their Father's will, and then, asking according to His will, they can rise to the height of His own mighty promise, "If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you" (John 15:7) (A.B. Simpson, The Life of Prayer, p.22).
The Lord is the one that repays those that hate Him to their face (Deut. 7:10) not me. He has promised to hear when I call. So be at Peace, this is the same God that dealt with Pharoah.