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Old 01-11-2012, 03:36 PM   #79
Join Date: Dec 2011
Posts: 115
Default Re: Have the BBs been faithful to the entire ministry of WL?

Originally Posted by OBW View Post
So the answer is that this is for our benefit in discovering by what means of unrighteousness the BBs erred in the excommunication of TC?

It is just for us?

What do we accomplish?
No. In Post 57 I said "So, proving that the excommunication of TC was in fact the speaking of lies with the intention of sowing discord would be the basis for me to ask for the Lord to step in and overthrow the house of the wicked."

My purpose is to build a prayer that I will pray to the Lord.

"Thus we are to lay hold of his pledged assurances, spread them before Him, and say "Do as thou hast said" (2 Samuel 7:25). Observe how Jacob pleaded the promise in Genesis 32:12; Moses in Exodus 32:13; David in Psalm 119:58; Solomon in 1Kings 8:25; and do thou, my Christian reader likewise." (This quote is from A. W. Pink, Profiting from the Word, and is quoted in "Lord Thou Saidst").

"What God spoke in Promise was the root and the life of what they spoke in prayer." (Andrew Murray, With Christ in the School of Prayer, again quoted in "Lord Thou Saidst").
PS 150 Let every thing that hath breath praise the LORD. Praise ye the LORD.
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