Originally Posted by OBW
Under Lee's theology, the Law is abolished. It has been crucified. For him, that means that even if you are wrong, you are right if you are "in your spirit."
So the current membership will generally accept that there can be no wrong, especially from those who are their leaders and therefore must be in spirit.
I would say that's the case generally if they're uninformed. Suppose an elder conducts himself unbecomingly and word gets out. What do you suppose the response would be? "Even if he's wrong he's still right"? Then off to the side there may be a brother or even a couple quarantined for basically being politically incorrect or not keeping issues "in-house". Their quarantine is recognized, but a leader whose gross sin may be more severe would get whisked off to a nearby locality for special care. OBW, I realize you may think I'm referring to Texas, but I'm not. Given handling of the situation is ironically similar.
What do you think the response among North American saints would be had Ron Kangas had given the same message at a Puget Sound blending conference that he gave in South America? In the words of Titus Chu from his June 2006 letter "attacking brothers from the podium".
Abuse is something that is very conscious in the American mind.
James 4:17
Therefore, to one who knows the right thing to do and does not do it, to him it is sin.
This is similar to the contrast of the righteous and wicked seen in Proverbs.