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Old 01-10-2012, 07:19 PM   #61
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Default Re: Have the BBs been faithful to the entire ministry of WL?

Originally Posted by Terry View Post
77150, I would turn this around and say the illegitimate quarantine oh John Ingalls, John So, Bill Mallon, and Joseph Fung (who is now with the Lord), gives credence to the illegitimate quarantine of Titus Chu, Nigel Tomes, among other co-workers.
Hypocrisy breeds hypocrisy. Hypocrisy also damages consciences.

WL never quarantined TC because he never was a threat to WL's power, as the sole leader of the Recovery. TC submitted to WL in all things. During the quarantine of the late 80's, TC went against own better judgment to side with WL, and sign that letter BP wrote. TC knew that John Ingalls and the others were not rebellious conspirators. He even talked to John in private supporting him, that is, until WL made TC get his priorities "right." TC also knew the true character of PL, probably more than any of the American leaders, as they were contemporaries in age back in Taiwan. TC knew that it was absolutely wrong for WL to appoint his son to run LSM, yet he said nothing. TC's silence towards WL' improprieties and unrighteousnesses gave PL and others the opportunity to impugn him for years, and then finally eliminate him.
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