Originally Posted by Igzy
I think 77150 was just attempting to establish that the BBs are not even faithful to their stated goal of being faithful to WL's ministry.
My point was simply that the goal itself is flawed, so in one sense who cares if they are faithful, except to establish that they are full of beans.
Of course, we already knew that. But it doesn't hurt to give concrete evidence as to why.
What you and OBW keep saying is true, but that is not the point.
The goal is not "flawed" for those inside the program. I know, I was there, and so were you. Who knows how many lurkers are out there who would be interested to know if the Blendeds were even faithful even to their own flawed mission?
For me personally, and I assume many others also, taking the approach of hypocrisy and unrighteousness (
including matters of abuse) opened me to LC problems, whereas discussing teachings and doctrines ad nauseum, even when compared to the Bible, only hardened my strongholds.
I must have an accumulated five hundred posts or so over the years, addressing this very concept. It just amazes me that some still find this approach an unacceptable waste of time.