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Old 01-10-2012, 12:08 PM   #50
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Default Re: Have the BBs been faithful to the entire ministry of WL?

Originally Posted by Igzy View Post
I meant unfazed in the sense of feeling compelled to change for the better.

Do you think fear of being wrong compels their irrational actions? I doubt it. I think it's more likely compelled by their feeling that they cannot be wrong.
I think you've got it Igzy. Is there no consideration they (the blended brothers) could be wrong? They need a reality check. Other than fearing God first and foremost, there ought to be a fear they could be wrong.
Why would they be unfazed to chnage? My response is found in an earlier post of mine in this thread "according to the feeling of the Body". In their minds the recovery equals the Body of Christ. In practice what is termed "the feeling of the Body" is really LSM leadership. So when deacons, elders, co-workers say they feel to honor the feeling of the body, it really means they do not want to appear in disaccord with the leading co-workers. It comes down to being one with man.
Spiritually each one needs to consider "what if". What if what we've been told is wrong? I believe why a brother like the elder of the Church in Vista is unwilling to learn the other side of the late 80's turmoil is because he could be wrong. Responsible brothers in the so-called recovery were able to drink up what was printed in The Fermentation of the Present Rebellion or A Response to Recent Accusations, but they are unwilling to read in entirety what Bill Mallon wrote to Witness Lee in December, 1987 or John Ingalls' Speaking the Truth in Love. Why? because it presents the other side of the coin. Changes the context of what LSM printed about these brothers.
So consider what if? What if being unwilling to learn the other side of this turmoil results in continuing to bear false witness?
Pardon me for going off topic, but I had to respond to Igzy's post.
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