Originally Posted by Igzy
Your point is valid but it's also one that is totally lost on the BBs. They left the solid ground of reason and principles, and embraced the murky world of we're-the-move-of-the-age-so-what-we-do-is-self-justifying a long time ago. With them it is not what they do but who they think they are. It's always been that way with this movement. Even when they're wrong they're right, they think.
I'm not saying you are wasting your time, just that there are a lot of reasons the BBs should consider themselves unrighteous and they are thus far unfazed. As long as they have a following they are going to be open for business.
I am not concerned with how the BBs receive this word, I am concerned with the Lord. I believe that these things happen under His sovereignty. I believe that Christians are supposed to reign in the Kingdom age and during the church age we are being trained. Hence, I believe that if these things are so and the Lord has still not judged it is due to our fault, not unlike the gentile woman praying to the Son of David and being told that the Son of David was sent to Israel. Adjust your prayer and you will get an answer.