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Old 01-10-2012, 10:31 AM   #39
Join Date: Dec 2011
Posts: 115
Default Re: Have the BBs been faithful to the entire ministry of WL?

Originally Posted by UntoHim View Post
This is the point. It all revolves around Witness Lee. Who is most faithful to the person and work of Witness Lee - Not who is most biblical in their teachings and practices. The simple fact is that both the blended brothers and Titus Chu are wholly dedicated to the person and work of Witness Lee. Just as there is not a lick of difference between Lee and the blended brothers, there is not a lick of difference between the blended brothers and Chu. They are all peas in a pod. They teach the same things. They practice the same things. I guess some churches under Chu have let the young people use drums and electric guitars? So? Witness Lee clearly taught that things like music were non-essentials....but did Witness Lee ever let non-essentials become an issue and divide? Of course he did - he did it all the time! So, now the blended brothers are making a big issue out of all sorts of non-essentials. Unfortunately for Chu he is simply out numbered. So he just ended up taking his ball and going home. Then, naturally, the blended brothers ordered all churches under their control to never go and play ball at any of Chu's sandlots. Much to do about nothing
And that, by definition, is hypocrisy. And if the split with Chu is based on lies, deceit and hypocrisy it was not authorized by the Lord. And if they acted without authorization in excommunicating brothers and churches they are worthy of being judged. Therefore they will be judged by their own words.

The point is that "it all revolves around WL" in word but not in fact. The reality is they have ulterior motives and use "being faithful to WL" as some kind of bogus justification. Expose that lie and the structure they have built up collapses. The point is this is their action that they must be held accountable for. They do not have "plausible deniability". WL was dead. WL never excommunicated TC. If they can complain about being held accountable for WL sins, then this is a case where it is not WL's sin, it is their sin.
PS 150 Let every thing that hath breath praise the LORD. Praise ye the LORD.
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