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Old 01-10-2012, 05:41 AM   #22
Join Date: Jul 2011
Posts: 95
Default Re: Can "cult" members still be saved?

Originally Posted by OBW View Post
And while Paul may have had a lot to say to the LRC if he were still around writing letters, like all the others, I doubt he would even suggest that there is a lack of salvation. Instead a lack of continuing according to the teaching of Christ. The LRC probably looks a lot like Corinth. Stuck on the every word of one minister to the exclusion of all others. Excluding each other from their little circles, yet failing to deal with serious open sin. And overly focused on secondary (at best) things like terminology, better meetings, and ground.

Paul didn't waste the kind of words he put in the letters on the unsaved. He was speaking to those who had come to faith. We are not even close to being "Pauls," but our position is the same — speaking to other Christians who are seriously missing some point.
Excellent analysis OBW. I totally agree. For a group that seems to focus a lot on Paul's writings for their unique beliefs, it's a shame that few have realized that their church is acting similar to, or just the same as, a church like Corinth and have taken the necessary actions.
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