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Old 01-10-2012, 04:17 AM   #26
Join Date: Dec 2011
Posts: 115
Default Re: Have the BBs been faithful to the entire ministry of WL?

Originally Posted by UntoHim View Post
The blended brothers are behaving just as Witness Lee behaved. I don't see a lick of difference between the two of them, and over the years, nobody has presented one shred of evidence to show any significant difference between the two. And quoting things that Witness Lee wrote 40 or 50 years ago is much to do about nothing. Witness Lee did not practice the things posted here, and neither do the blended brothers. So? Even Witness Lee was not faithful to the entire ministry of Witness Lee! So why should his closest followers be any different?
How is a clear demonstration of the hypocrisy of every single person that signed the document concerning TC "much to do about nothing"?

Without the assertion that "they were the ones who were seeking to be faithful to the entire ministry of WL" and TC wasn't they didn't have a single point to make. They could never have built the case on the unsubstantiated charge that TC was using fleshly means to preach the gospel because that charge had been around a long time and WL never did anything about it. They needed something more.

So then, how is proving that the BBs are speaking lies in hypocrisy to damage the saints and the church in order to promote their sect "much to do about nothing"?

The entire fraud does not rest on "the ground of oneness" or the teaching of the "MOTA". It rests on the BBs "seeking to be faithful to the entire ministry of WL" because once that is false everything else falls too. Likewise, if your concern is for those who are currently in the LRC then you have to address the hypocrisy, lies, and sins of those who are currently in the leadership. There are valid reasons why a saint or elder would not want to discuss WL's or PL's flaws. There is no excuse however in refusing to discuss this very public "warning letter" written as a solemn testimony to all saints and churches. Now you can go through that letter point by point. But, if this one point is false, that "they are seeking to be faithful to the entire ministry of WL" then the entire letter collapses.
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