Re: Can "cult" members still be saved?
Thanks OBW and Nell for your thoughtful responses.
I figure I'll add a little background for my premise of the question. In all cases of people I know in the LRC and other groups, they have been born and raised in that context. As such, the teachings of those groups have been "ingrained" into their minds, much like those of "contemporary/regular" Christianity have been ingrained into mine.
Now the reason that these groups kind of trouble me a bit is because of these practices and teachings like pray reading and the ground and whatever else have been branded not Biblically sound or as heretical. Now heresy in the LRC context, from my experience, has always been related to the "modalist" teachings or WL as the MOTA. These may not be as "severe" as things taught by JW or Mormons, but heresy is heresy, regardless of how severe it is, if it is indeed heresy. And if they are, then all those who I know in those groups are in some deep water. Now I know I can't possibly reach all these people because of one way or another, but for those that I can, I wanted to know if it was even appropriate for me to think to suggest that they leave that group they're in.