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Old 01-09-2012, 01:53 PM   #8
Join Date: Jul 2008
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Default Re: Can "cult" members still be saved?

Originally Posted by ToGodAlone View Post
I know people who are in the LRC and those who are Mormon, to name a few, and whether or not they are actually saved or not for one reason or another is very important to me. You can continue to think that it is poorly defined or arrogant or whatever, and that's fine. You don't have to participate in this particular topic.
Yes. Cult members can still be saved.

How do I know? The Bible says "Whosoever will may come". It says "If a man confesses, believes and asks" (The Roman road) he will be saved. It doesn't appear to matter who or what you believe, as the story of the "rich young ruler" tells us. There are lots of verses about salvation in the Gospel. The woman at the well...a glorious story of the gospel of salvation...many more. Look for your answer in the Gospels. Great testimonies!

People accept Jesus Christ as their personal Savior as individuals, not as a class of people. Maybe the better question is "are" the people you are concerned about saved? There's only one way to find out: ask them. It's important to you, so you should ask.

I think God sees "people" and loves us as people. Not as Mormons, Catholics, etc. We (man, men) tend to categorize people by man-made criteria because we are not as smart as He is. :-)

Lets suppose we/you come up with an answer that satisfies the question and seems right. Does it matter? They are still either born again, or they are not. You won't know until you ask.

Pray for your friends that the Lord will provide you with an opportunity to share the gospel with them.

In addition, for questions like this, it's good (I think) to ask questions like "When did you meet the Lord?" so you can hear their testimony. If you ask yes/no questions, like "are you saved" you may get a "yes" and the conversation ends. What you want is to hear their testimony and to be convinced in your own mind that this is indeed a brother or sister. If not, you can lead them to the Lord.

I hope this helps.

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