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Old 01-09-2012, 09:23 AM   #16
Join Date: Apr 2008
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Default Re: Have the BBs been faithful to the entire ministry of WL?

Originally Posted by 77150 View Post
I am referring to the warning letter concerning TC. This letter was used to essentially excommunicate TC and it was based on the fact that "they were seeking to be faithful to the entire ministry of WL".

If someone did not sign that letter then, no, I am not aware of any solemn oath they have made to "seek to be faithful to the entire ministry of WL". Therefore I do not see that it is reasonable to measure them based on how faithful they have been to WL's teaching on dealing with sins.
First hat was the exact date this letter was circulated about being faithful to the entire ministry of WL?
When you get into signing of letters specifically related to Titus Chu, there are two types of letters that were signed:
1. Letters signed by a core group of blended brothers from 2005-2006.
2. Letters signed by brothers representing their individual localties.

The latter I have a bigger issue with. It ties back to Nell's post where she references Watchman Nee's Character of the Lord's Worker. Here is a specific example where as much as brothers claim to be faithful to Witness Lee or Watchman Nee's ministry lays a discrepancy between practices and what the ministry says.

One of my issues with localities regarding Titus Chu, at what point where they ministered directly by Titus Chu. Specifically on the west coast US. When was the last time he ministered in Seattle, Portland, Sacremmento, San Diego, etc?
At what point was anything he said worthy of being divisive or heretical?
Why would localities who saw Titus Chu as a non-issue be considered personna non grata?
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