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Old 01-05-2012, 07:56 AM   #45
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Default Re: Does Proverbs 26:4 contradict verse 5?

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
OBW, I find it difficult to grasp your logic. 77150, obviously a former member, studies Proverbs and finds helpful scripture to apply to our discussions. I think it's great, and it has stirred my interest in further study. You, however, are piqued into critical action. I appreciate his study and perspective. You, however, are disturbed that someone might be "wowed?" If he/she is, is that so bad?

"What is that to the wise?" Are you now so "wise" that scripture no longer benefits you? I hope I never get that wise. Are you only referring to yourself here?

And your next complaint is that the poster brought it to this forum, but not "to those who need to see it." Are you serious? Do you know every reader here, and who needs what? Could not the same thing be said about your posts? How do you know the poster has not taken this verse to others "who need to see it."

I really think you unnecessarily nit-pick for reasons I'll never understand.
First, I think you will see that I was never specifically attacking any specific use of verses. And I went out of my way to say that I did not intend to declare that 77150 was simply doing this.

But at the same time, I was noting something that was once noted for my and others benefit (elsewhere) that sometimes displaying a lot of knowledge about something, such as being among the first to recognize a song, or always being able to bring a verse from memory, or at least quickly find it because you know it is there, or that you can do a concordance look-up on a topic, etc., that is not really helpful to a discussion. I would say that anyone who does not understand that defending the unrighteous is itself contrary to righteousness needs the verse. Those that do have no requirement for someone to find it in the rulebook for them. If that wasn't patently obvious without the verse, then you need it. And there are some in the LRC that need it. But do you really think that what they did is now more clearly wrong and against God's moral and righteous requirements on us from finding that verse? I could be wrong, but I doubt it.

Now if someone is reading that has never considered that this verse directly opposes Lee's claim that right and wrong don't matter, then it is worthwhile. And surely there are always some who are lurking about.

But at the same time, we can easily be lulled into a sense of self-righteousness because we have the right verse at the right time. I wasn't trying to shut it off. But just offering a reason to think about why we do anything. Is it for the purpose of the forum, or for our own private building of esteem.

And if you read my post to 77150 about the purpose of the thread, you might understand that there seemed (to me) to be an almost constant dissonance between what was at any moment under discussion, the topic stated at the beginning (in the title), the lack of direction in the first post, and the purpose of the forum. His response did clarify. But until that clarification came, the constant jump from one set of verses to another had me wondering what was going on.

And in a few cases, a verse was quoted and the application to the errors/ways of Lee, the BBs and the LSM did not seem to fit. But I get attacked for nit-picking if I ask what it is about. Which starts to say to me that if you agree with me, then I am great. And if you do not, then I must be "set off" and "nit-picking." I'm much more even and middle-of-the-road than that. Read what I say. Don't assume emotions. Don't assume beyond what I write. I write this way about everything. And I don't have to be "set-off" to do it. Just see something that I think I have something to add for consideration. Consider it. Then accept or reject. Either is actually fine. Forget what you think are my motives. Consider what I said. When someone first suggested to me that clapping at the beginning of a song was more about me than the band, I thought it was ridiculous. But over time, as I considered it, I began to realize that it was at least too often true.

We learn nothing by rapid rejection of alternate considerations. And us old dogs can still learn new tricks.
I think . . . . I think I am . . . . therefore I am, I think — Edge
OR . . . . You may be right, I may be crazy — Joel
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