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Old 01-04-2012, 02:32 PM   #36
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Default Re: Does Proverbs 26:4 contradict verse 5?

Originally Posted by OBW View Post
On the other hand, I find that discovering verses that fit everything too often is as far as many people will take it. In other words, they show their superiority by correctly identifying the verse, but eventually do little or nothing about it. Like applauding when you hear the beginning of a favorite song at a concert. Most people are actually demonstrating (showing off) that they have figured out which song it is more than showing appreciation for the performance. In fact, better to listen and appreciate, then applaud at the end when it is artfully performed.
Wow! What set you off? Someone finds a helpful verse, and you go off about the last concert you went to. Better stay home and listen to the Moodies on your iPod.
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