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Old 01-04-2012, 11:49 AM   #34
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Default Re: Does Proverbs 26:4 contradict verse 5?

Originally Posted by 77150 View Post
To me the verse "the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom" is the key to my understanding. This takes the term "wisdom" out of a natural view of someone being "successful" and puts it into the view of eternity.
Who suggested that any kind of wisdom is related to being successful? I do not consider success when I consider wisdom. Wisdom is a clear understanding of what is correct, moral, righteous, Godly, as well as those things that are not. Wisdom is found outside of religious circles without being associated with success. It is rather associated with experience and tempering. Surely the best wisdom is from a view beyond the temporal and the here-and-now. Therefore in consideration of what is wise without regard to culture, popularity, even sect or creed.

Your definition is not faulty. But it is limiting. Wisdom is wisdom. And none can be considered all-wise, therefore we all find ourselves in places of folly at times. This is true for the Christian and the heathen alike. I will agree that wisdom from a Christian base is more consistently sound. But we view wisdom from our own perspective. So however far off we are will determine how well re recognize it when it is in front of us.

I like your verse concerning the praise of the wicked by those who forsake the law. And the teachings of Lee are pretty consistently to ignore the law. Even despise it. Only do right to the extent that it falls on you due to sufficient "dispensing." That applies to virtually everyone who follows Lee's teachings, although likely in no more egregious manner than the vehement defense of PL by WL, BP, RG, RK, etc.

On the other hand, I find that discovering verses that fit everything too often is as far as many people will take it. In other words, they show their superiority by correctly identifying the verse, but eventually do little or nothing about it. Like applauding when you hear the beginning of a favorite song at a concert. Most people are actually demonstrating (showing off) that they have figured out which song it is more than showing appreciation for the performance. In fact, better to listen and appreciate, then applaud at the end when it is artfully performed.

Don't just say they did it. Describe how they did it. To just say it, even if true, does not make the case that the verse fits.

And virtually all of the discussion and proof about anything is getting old. Someone needs to resurrect posts with Ingals' accounts. And John So's. And many others. Post some snippets from the Fermentation booklet to show how much Lee lied.

And dig through the theological faults in Lee's teachings. And Nee's for that matter.

And when all is said and done, I think I missed the reason that this thread was opened with respect to the forum's purposes. I was looking back and couldn't find anything but a brain teaser. It is probably there, but it is getting a little lengthy to read through now. Can someone make a concise description of the purpose for me? Why are we discussing it?
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OR . . . . You may be right, I may be crazy — Joel
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