Originally Posted by 77150
Using the Bible WL concluded there was an organic relationship, Igzy concluded that this was overblown and that it was really relational.
How do you then explain 1Cor 6, according to Igzy they don't really become "one flesh" in the sense of being "one Body" because if one dies the other still lives. Instead he interpreted this word concerning oneness to be something relational.
You said somewhere that you might not be quite following my point and I think that's somewhat true. I never said it was relational to the exclusion of anything organic. My point was the personally relational aspect is the most important or at least the leading aspect of the phenomenon.
I think the mistake is to separate "organic" and "personally relational." God's relationship with us certainly has an organic aspect, but I don't believe that organic precludes or excludes relational. It is never impersonal. The word says "eternal life is knowing God and Christ" (John 17:3). Knowing means relationship. You can't know a person without having a relationship with him. Again life is a Person, and life is knowing that Person. We experience Christ as life, but He is even in that experience a Person.
This speaks, however, to exactly the error I am objecting to and which the LRC indulged in. That of seeming to think one could experience God "organically" but not relationally.
There is also the other error, that one could experience God relationally, but not organically. That is not possible either as NT believers. God is not just with us, He is
in us. That's organic.
The same goes for couples. Although there might be an organic aspect to the relationship, the personal is the most important, leading aspect.