Originally Posted by UntoHim
I said "modern scientific knowledge".... you simply ignored what I said and went on about your merry way giving us too much information that really cannot help us in working with your original proposition and the questions that surround it.
Yes, modern science has uncovered all sorts of information regarding the nature and function of God's vast creation. So? We only have so much time and space here on this forum to link any of this to any particular discussion. As the moderator I have to draw the line somewhere, and I don't think most of the readers really want to explore all the intricacies of small viruses, enemas and the cure for irritated bowel syndrome.
What is your definition of "modern"? To me this criteria does not make sense.
I have read the rules regarding posting. The scientific references were not "off topic" they in fact were only in the post that defined the topic. They were not irrelevant as it was the only way I could make my point. I have not "flooded" the site with scientific references. I do not see any violation of the rules and have no intention of being regulated by additional "special" rules that only apply to me. If that means I am no longer welcome to post so be it.