Originally Posted by UntoHim
1. ... Yes, we have an organic connection with God, which is most vividly illustrated in the parable of the vine and branches in John 15.
2. ...No regular reader of the Bible would deny there is an “organic” aspect to our connection with God. This may be a more a matter of overemphasis more than a matter of organic versus relational.
3. Here you continue to force a black and white choice between taking this statement literally or “not literally”(my choice of words). This simple fact is that we do not need to go that far with every single verse in the Bible. The Lord Jesus did not teach in this manner, and He, of course, is the gold standard when it comes to teachings. He used parables. He used stories. He even used hyperbole and figures of speech. Now the apostle Paul was not far behind – he may be considered the silver standard. Nevertheless, he also used hyperbole and figures of speech, along with many other literary tools. A good Bible student (not to mention Bible teacher) will take into consideration the use of all these tools. This is to say nothing of the problematic scientific art of translating the ancient biblical languages into English. [/COLOR]
4. I have no basic problem with what you have written here. “He who joined to the Lord is one spirit” – This is both organic and relational.
5. I think the problem comes in with how Witness Lee turned the whole thing, every rhyme and reason, into a purely hyper-physical, almost automatic function. This is why he used the example of eating and digesting food so much – it’s how he looked at spiritual things. The simple truth is that spirituality is both organic and relational. Maybe they are more of the same thing than they are something different….if that makes any sense.[/COLOR]
1. Thankyou
2. Thankyou
3. I think you missed one of my posts. I made it clear in that post that this word is used both metaphorically and literally. Never did I deny that there was a relational aspect to "becoming one flesh". The only issues I took were with the statement "this verse cannot be read literally" and that there wasn't an organic aspect to the oneness.
4. Thankyou
5. You may be right. Still I find it very strange that a website called "local church discussion" seems so focused on "WL discussion". Has anyone created a thread "Good LC/Bad LC"?