Originally Posted by Ohio
77150, it's very hard to have any compromising discussion on this forum that is focused on any of WL's favorite topics. I agree with you that "one flesh" is more than just "relational," but neither do I agree with much of WL's more "scientific" commentary on the "one spirit," which has become very impersonal and expunges relationships from the equation. For example, WL's most ardent followers can regularly hype the "one spirit," yet at the same time back-stab brothers they have known for years.
I prefer to look at ministry actions and the fruit of one's teaching, rather than to merely analyze teachings. In this regard I differ somewhat from many posters here. WL's teachings covered a wide spectrum of the Bible, building mainly upon Brethren theology. Much of his spoken ministry was also edited at LSM. Much of WL's written teaching, taken by itself, is not inherently bad, but taking his spoken words, coupled with behind the scenes activities, gives his written words whole new meaning.
This thread is really an offshoot of "Good Lee/Bad Lee" in which I understood the thesis to be an attempt to find some underlying doctrinal failing as the cause for the bad behavior. I did not follow the whole thread and perhaps I am missing a lot, but I did question Igzy on one of his statements and this grew out of that discussion.
I think the effort to find underlying causes for the LRC to go astray is a very profitable endeavor. This is why I read that thread and even entered into the discussion.
However, my conclusion is that this particular effort to tie what are essentially common behaviors among sinful, fallen man, to a particular erroneous doctrine suggests to me that the real question is "why was I duped?" and even "Was I duped?"