Does Proverbs 26:4 contradict verse 5?
26:4 Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest thou also be like unto him.
26:5 Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own conceit.
I don’t think so. Look at verse 4, if you don’t answer a fool according to his folly then you won’ t be like unto him. But, he will be wise in his own conceit.
So how does this apply to the LRC?
Many saw abusive acts done in the LRC but kept quiet because they didn’t want to be like the abusers. (The Meek will inherit the earth?) However the result was that the folly increased and more saints were abused. (Please note in this discussion I am using abuse to refer to the type of abuse TC dished out not PL).
I think Proverbs is very clear, if you have someone like TC you are better off not responding to the abuse lest you also become like him. However, if that does not become tenable at some point you have to rebuke him so that he will not be wise in his own conceit, though that might necessitate your exit from the LC.
Why would you be concerned with him being wise in his own conceit? One reason would be you see that he is causing damage to others. I have seen saints do this on numerous occasions (rebuke leading ones who were foolish).
Also, according to Proverbs it is wise not to rebuke a fool because if you do you will become like him. What if that is no longer an issue, what if the entire LRC has come to look like fools? What happened to those that wrote about the LRC being a cult, they got sued, dragged into ugly litigation and went bankrupt. They were fools. But what if the LRC has become a house of fools? For those who are still there it is no longer wise to not rebuke them. At that point it is time to answer the fools according to their folly.
This is what Abigail did when she kept silent while Nabal partied, but in the morning when he had his hangover she spoke. Now that the LRC has spent so much money on the lawsuits and made themselves a byword, and all the prophesies of WL being the MOTA have proved to be bogus, and the LRC is splitting apart at the seems, now is the time for Abigail to speak.
PS 150 Let every thing that hath breath praise the LORD. Praise ye the LORD.