Originally Posted by OBW
I wasn't saying that he never allowed for meanings of some things to be according to context. But too many of the core teachings were based upon something distilled to "simply," "just," or "always" one particular thing. Economy was given one simple meaning that ruled all of scripture. "Flesh" was always sinful. "Unless you abide" set us into abiding and not obeying.
I don't care about drama. I care about looking into Lee's errors. The fact that I say he did it many times is irrelevant. Let's look at each one as they come up. I keep finding a pattern. But let's look at them. Here is one. Flesh is not always sinful.
Another. Works are not simply man's effort. (We were cheated from actually obeying Jesus because of this one.)
Every teacher and minister has his own slants and emphases which are promoted at the expense of others, that's why I have felt that WL initial ministry was his best because he stayed closer to the scriptures.
But, let's face it, most serious Christians place a negative connotation upon the word flesh. Too many verses have affected their thinking, from the fleshly Corinthians to the Galatian works of the flesh. The word flesh is not always "bad," but mostly it is, and the context is needed to decide the meaning.
I do agree that WL was not balanced concerning "good works." Just about the only Christian "works" that have never been criticized are those times volunteering at LSM. They alone are considered "the Levitical service" and so forth. I have even heard LSM zealots say to brothers, "
what are you doing wasting your time building up some little local church."
OBW, you may say you do not care for drama, and only care to look into Lee's errors, but in the process, you do not even allow him the same liberties that other ministers have. Judgment must be fair, whether you agree or not.
But I do wish you a happy new year, and we should return to topic, since this is
77150's first thread.