Originally Posted by Ohio
Not so fast. I remember lots of footnotes and commentary by WL that listed numerous meanings to each word. In fact, I thought that was one of his strengths. To classify this as "one of Lee's most egregious errors" just creates a little holiday drama perhaps?
Not so fast yourself.
I wasn't saying that he never allowed for meanings of some things to be according to context. But too many of the core teachings were based upon something distilled to "simply," "just," or "always" one particular thing. Economy was given one simple meaning that ruled all of scripture. "Flesh" was always sinful. "Unless you abide" set us into abiding and not obeying.
Too much became "simply" something else. It even carried into demanding that we ignore grace and just see Christ. Not pray according to the "formula" (more correctly, pattern) given by Jesus because praying for your own needs is "too low."
And any of the works that Jesus commanded were disdained because only "God's economy" was worthy of being taught, even though scripture never suggests that God's economy is the subject of any teaching. So a "teaching" concerning God's economy that does not exist in scripture (as any kind of teaching, not just Lee's) was his rule for rewriting scripture.
How many times do you recall that because some particular term was used that it automatically meant one specific thing? How many times did this seem to be contrary to what was written? For me, way too many. Yes. Lee did talk about various meanings in some cases. But how often did he return to one very simple version that did not always reflect the meaning of the passage?
I don't care about drama. I care about looking into Lee's errors. The fact that I say he did it many times is irrelevant. Let's look at each one as they come up. I keep finding a pattern. But let's look at them. Here is one. Flesh is
not always sinful.
Another. Works are not simply man's effort. (We were cheated from actually obeying Jesus because of this one.)
Another. Everything is not distilled down to "dispensing." (With a wave of the "dispensing" wand, meaning is changed.)
These were among the core of Lee's teachings. Plenty of room to allow secondary and tertiary terms to have all of their normal meanings. Just the core were required to be uniform. And it was taken in without objection.