Originally Posted by 77150
Now this is interesting. You could read this and assume that the reason you are posting here is not because the LRC was your first love, but because you have learned "the rest of the story". Except that explains why you left the LRC, not why you are posting here. So simple question, was the LRC your first love? (Perhaps before you learned the whole story?) After all you have posted quite a bit here, what is driving you to do this?
Thanks for asking. I did love the Recovery, WL and the LC's. For the most, part I still do. It was really the Lord who was/is my first love. He led me to the LC, and I left the LC to find Him again.
I learned much while posting here. Sometimes I ask myself what am I doing here.
One reason is that many who have left the LC, due to serious abuses and errors, have kept silent, especially the ones from greater Ohio. They were trained to be quiet, and "leave like a gentleman," and they did. But that policy is only self-serving for bad leaders. I am thankful that some brothers like John Ingalls have documented the reasons for their departure. Saints need to know the truth so that they can make informed decisions. WL and his cadre of minions should be accountable for how they have treated and mistreated God's children.
That said, I still love WL and all the saints.