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Old 12-29-2011, 01:32 PM   #8
Join Date: Dec 2011
Posts: 115
Default Re: “Becoming one flesh” <–> “one spirit with Christ”

Originally Posted by Leomon View Post
Im not an LCer,

But I have some educated background and the extrapolation from science, sex to one flesh and its logic doesnt add up.

How do you go from STD's, body fluids to one body?

First you need to break down what is a body
I never said they become one body, the Bible says they become "one flesh". When we use the word Body we think of a complete entity, when we use the word flesh it can refer to a pound of meat. So the fact that two people have the same genetic material within their body would by definition mean they have the same "flesh" or that their flesh is one.

If I have the same mannerisms, expressions, appearance, thoughts, etc. and it turns out that I have them as a result of key organic features built into the human body, then to me that is very interesting. Why is it necessary to have these features? It proves the expression "my better half" is more than just a saying. It also proves that when God said he created them male and female and called their name Adam that He really did create a corporate being that was designed from the get go to be part of a whole.
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