Originally Posted by Ohio
I'm not really into material science or rodent mating habits, but this last sentence jumped out at me. How in the world do you go from mousy love to idolatry to leaving the LRC and posting on this forum?
Slow down there fellow!
Can we discuss this further or are you just trollin' us?
Let me introduce myself. I spent my 30 best years in the LC, actively serving the Lord and the church. I left because I saw bullying on every level of the Recovery. I came to LC forums because, as Paul Harvey used to say, I learned the "rest of the story." What I witnessed in the LRC, concerning the adulation of WL, was the closest thing to idolatry that I came to.
Please explain.
Trolling you?! It has been well documented that trolls hate christians, besides Hans Christian Anderson there was a recent documentary done on trolls in Norway. So how could a troll pick a name that means "praise the Lord" that doesn't make sense. Besides, not to offend anyone, but trolls are pretty stupid creatures.