Re: “Becoming one flesh” <–> “one spirit with Christ”
Im not an LCer,
But I have some educated background and the extrapolation from science, sex to one flesh and its logic doesnt add up.
How do you go from STD's, body fluids to one body?
First you need to break down what is a body
Human body consists of the following
Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen and "electricity (memories)"
There is no soul nor "conciousness" in science.
So having sex is just exchanging fluids and electricity. Thats all
Your DNA will never change through sex. Viruses can kill you, you can get cancer. But thats not YOU.
Just because I get a cold doesnt mean that cold is me and I become one with the virus. It is a foriegn object which is why your white cells attack it. So I dont see the whole argument with STD's and how it makes you become one flesh.
Empty mindless sex doesnt join you to that person. If I wipe your memory and you have no recollection of this occurance are u still one? What makes you one? This mystical connection that was mingled when you had sex?
Infact, the best way to become one with your partner is to turn canniblistic. Then if I fully eat my partner, I am her and she is me?
I dont know man, but whatever your logic is its scary.
When you add religions Point of view. I.E soul, will, concioussness then we have a discussion about one flesh.
Physically, one flesh you will not become. So please stop using "science"
Ask Frankenstein.