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Old 12-29-2011, 08:32 AM   #216
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Default Re: Good Lee/Bad Lee: Can they be separated?

Originally Posted by Guest 1 View Post
What I did do was argue that the word should be taken literally and I provided various views on how the two bodies of a husband and wife do “become one flesh”. If you don’t want to discuss the science then my argument is simple: this word is not given figuratively but should be understood literally.
It's pointless to say it's literal and then say you don't know what the literal meaning is.

I do feel I understand in part, but not in whole.
Okay, explain what you understand. And realize the whole point of this is to establish that we "become Christ" by becoming one spirit. That was the point I was objecting to. If you can't establish that then I've made my point.
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