Originally Posted by John
With the understanding that “joined” means “glued” (since it is the same Greek word in verse 16), I hope you can see that “one body” and “one flesh” in verse 16 should not be taken literally to mean that husband and wife become some new symbiotic, mingled entity. Instead, when a person is gluing himself to a harlot, that person is only becoming physically united with another person into what the Bible refers to as one body, one flesh.
To follow this thought, using the context of Paul's writing to interpret I Cor 6.17, we must attach the morality of individual believers to our understanding of the verse. Paul uses the teaching of "one flesh" and "one spirit" to impact the saints' thinking about moral issues, not just in the ancient city of Corinth, but how much more in modern day America.
How can WL continually stress the matter of "one spirit," when the LSM "
Office," with whom all elders and workers were required to be "one" with, was so flagrantly involved with lawsuits, fornication, avarice, drinking, reviling, etc. Should WL not preach his messages first to his own household and to his own staff?
The real irony and hypocrisy surrounding the promotion of this teaching of "one spirit" by LSM is that it actually
facilitated on some level the very immorality and corruptions that Paul warned the Corinthians about.