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Old 12-29-2011, 06:23 AM   #212
Join Date: Jul 2008
Posts: 62
Default Re: Good Lee/Bad Lee: Can they be separated?

This thread questions whether or not we can separate the so-called “good” Lee from the “bad” Lee. As Jane pointed out earlier and I have somewhat reinforced, a better question might be “Can we separate the Bible from Mr. Lee?”

What I tried to show earlier is that Cassidy, one who was standing up for the Living Stream Ministry of Witness Lee, would have a problem even beginning a journey of separation. Why? If the Bible is in conflict with what Mr. Lee taught, Cassidy showed that he was unable to comprehend what the Bible actually states. He subconsciously read the Bible through the filter of Mr. Lee and didn’t even realize it.

When presented by Jane with 1 Cor. 6:17, Cassidy stated more than once from his Lee mindset that the Greek word for “joined” (which, as Jane pointed out, means glued) was referring to the “one” in the “one spirit” phrase. He seemed to be so bent on teaching a lesson in Greek to support Mr. Lee that he overlooked her whole argument, which is that a person who is glued (joined) to the Lord does not become some kind of a mingled spirit with the Lord. When he finally understood the plain English of 1 Cor. 6:17, he retired without an admission of the truth, that is, that 1 Cor. 6:17 does not state what Mr. Lee had said so many times in his sermons.

1 Cor. 6:17, as presented by Mr. Lee over and over again as proof of our mingled state with the Lord, was not correct. When I was discussing the ramifications of this with Jane, I mentioned the tea-in-water illustration that Mr. Lee used numerous times. I said that I remembered him coining the word, “teafied,” to describe what happens when the Spirit (tea) is added to the water (us). He said that the process results in a new thing, a thing that cannot be separated back into tea and water. Being “steeped” in science as she was, Jane told me that his illustration was not even true. The two things, tea and water, which can be combined into a drinkable mixture, can also, after being mixed, be separated again.

Witness Lee was wrong both in his exposition of the Bible text and his use of an illustration. This is huge, in my opinion, since 1 Cor. 6:17 was incorrectly used so many times to support his mingling theology. For most Local Church supporters, I daresay that the Word of God has become too "mingled" with the Living Stream Ministry of Witness Lee.
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