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Old 12-28-2011, 09:18 AM   #202
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Default Re: Good Lee/Bad Lee: Can they be separated?

Originally Posted by Guest 1 View Post
I said "this" darkness, from the context I thought it was clear that I was referring to what is commonly called "the dark ages". I believe that the publication of the Bible in the common language, making it accessible to more than just the clergy had a very big impact on the renaissance or "the enlightenment". That connects with my use of Galileo.

I drew a parallel with your very clear word "that this verse cannot be taken literally" with how people were told how to read the Bible. The most extreme reading of my post would say that you had turned onto a road that leads to telling people how to read the Bible, the same road that took us to the dark ages.

Lee may have agreed with this view of history, but it is hardly unique to Lee nor can Lee be given credit for it. This is not "classic Leeism" this is classic foot in mouth disease.
I actually removed the part you quote there, but before you commented on it. After re-reading my post it seemed unnecessarily confrontational.
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