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Old 12-28-2011, 06:44 AM   #196
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Default Re: Good Lee/Bad Lee: Can they be separated?

Originally Posted by Guest 1 View Post
How do you know who I side with? Have we ever discussed the Lord’s table? I believe the account in the Gospel where the Lord says “take, eat, this is my body which is given for you” is a plain word where Jesus is establishing the sacrament of the Lord’s Table. Sacraments are sacred rites with special significance. He is explaining in clear words the special significance of this rite. I have no idea why the Catholics couldn’t figure this out. So yes, I take this scripture literally to mean the Jesus is establishing the Lord’s table as a sacrament that we must keep and He is also explaining the significance of the bread and wine.
My point was that just because we are the Body of Christ does not necessarily mean we should go around saying we are Christ, anymore than we should say the elements of the Table are Christ.

It seems you are drawing a connection between the bad behavior of the LRC/WL/LSM with this teaching. I disagree, not that the behavior was bad, but that there is a connection with this teaching.
I believe the LRC depersonalized the relationship with the Lord by making it all about flowing and dispensing and economy, etc, instead of about getting to know a Person. I believe they also did this by de-emphasizing the Persons of the Trinity. I believe it's possible this de-personalization affected the way they look at all relationships. Can I prove it? No. It's a theory.

You disagree? Have you even really though about it. What's your explanation for the way the LRC treats people?
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