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Old 12-27-2011, 08:51 AM   #193
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Default Re: Good Lee/Bad Lee: Can they be separated?

Here's another point which you may not have considered, Guest 1.

Do we really know what we are talking about when we start talking about "spiritually organic?' What does that mean, really?

Is "spiritually organic" really that different from "spiritually intimate in relationship?" If so, how? Please explain. If Christ is life, how can having a personal relationship with Him not be an experience of life?

Think about it. I'm willing to concede that there is something going on in relationship with the Lord that is "of life" or "organic." What I'm not willing to concede is that it is anything other than a certain way to experience having a relationship with Him. Life is a Person, not just a force. So the more He becomes our life, the more intense our personal relationship with him must be. You cannot have one without the other.

Lee tried to separate the two. By being so zealous to talk about "life" he devalued the personal.

The problem then may be that you have a lack of appreciation for relationships, not that I have a lack of appreciation for things organic.
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